Battle of New Hope Church Monument Dedication
The Battle of New Hope Church Monument was dedicated May 25, 2014, the 150th anniversary of the Battle.
Wayne Willingham, Commander of the General William J. Hardee Camp #1397, calls the Dedication to order.
Camp Chaplain Todd Tibbitts opens the Dedication with the Invocation and Bible Reading
Stevan Crew welcomes everyone to the Dedication and introduces the featured speaker, Dr. Brian Wills
Dr. Brian Wills giving the Address
Reid Hardy plays Amazing Grace
Buck Hames recites the poem "The Dead at New Hope"
The Honor Guard
Randy Gann fires his rifle
Firing the Cannon
Sam Adair playing Taps
Chaplain Todd Tibbitts, Dr. Brian Wills, Real Daughter Mrs Iris Gay Jordan, Commander Wayne Willingham, and
Lieutenant Commander Stevan Crew
Members of General William J. Hardee Camp #1397
Camp Members and Friends in Uniform
Real Daughter Iris Gay Jordan Dedicates the Monument. She is escorted by Adjutant Clint Morris (at left) and John Lawrence (at right)