Here is a list of Paulding County Confederate Veterans whose names begin with the letter R:
Elijah K. Ragsdale
John Franklin Ragsdale
Rev. William Appleton Ragsdale
William Asbury Ragsdale
John M. Rainwater
Ivey R. Rakestraw, Sr.
J. W. Rakestraw
Leroy Rakestraw
William Rakestraw
Adrian Ranconi
W. R. Raney
John R. Ratteree
William Dave Raymond
William Carroll Redden
Rev. James D. Reed
Josiah B. Reese
Amos Logan M. Reeves
James W. Reeves
William A. Russom
Oliver Milton Russom
James M. Russell
W. L. Rollins
A. L. Rollins
William H. Rogers
J. C. Rogers
William H. Rodgers
John Robins
W. T. L. Robertson
Dr. Snowden Robertson
Joseph H. Robertson
William N. Roberts
Starling M. Roberts
Noel Waddell Roberts
John W. Roberts
Francis Marion Robert
H. Ridgeway
John W. Ring
Benjamin S. Roberson
Thomas W. Rickerson
John Frank Rhodes
Thomas Rice
William W. Reynolds
Obadiah C. Renfroe
Andrew M. Reynolds