Battle of Pickett's Mill
After the successful defense at New Hope Church by Hood´s Corps [Confed.], May 25, 1864, Johnston [Confed.] extended his right NE to keep pace with the Federal leftward shift to outflank him. Elements of the 4th, 14th and 23rd Corps under Maj. Gen. Oliver O. Howard [Union] with over 18,000 men passed this point seeking the extreme right of the Confederate army. The Federal forces attacked a point where the Army of Tennessee´s line bent back to the south. The brigades of Hazen, Gibson and Scribner blundered into a deep ravine one-half mile east of here to attack the Confederates under Maj. Gen. Patrick Cleburne. The brigades were defeated one after another in the heavily-wooded ravine where fired upon from three directions.
The Confederates were the clear victors of the five-hour battle. The result of the victory was a few days delay in Sherman´s [Union] Atlanta Campaign.